Friday, April 23, 2010

Todd Leech, Drowning and Rejuvenation

For those of you who don't know, this is an image from a former grads thesis show. Todd Leech who's work is pictured, recently sent me an email saying that he was featured in a youtube video due to his show at NCECA!! It seems to me that this youtube clip may be part of a longer documentary on CF and also Todd's profound approach to his illness and artwork. Anyway check it out on youtube, ill try to link it here but if it doesn't work then just search todd leech in youtube. Congrats Todd!!!, and keep up the good work

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Here is the railing in Philly i was talking about in deric's crit yesterday, also a cool piece that a lot of people didn't see. ( downstairs at the convention center) Also i would like to thank everyone for coming to my show, we had a great turnout, and i appreciate you all coming to show your support!!!!! Thanks again!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Almost Done!!! Table piece is completed and the "mesh wall" is about half way there!!! Everything else is done, just waiting for the finishing touches to come on Thursday, or like my show card says Thrusday!! Also a picture of the tool i had to create to physically push the clay through the table! A lot harder than anticipated, till i made that tool!! Work smarter not harder

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Here's a couple of updated images of the "fold mountains" piece i'm workin on in Erie. It's done as of today, just need of few days of drying before i remove the coddle boards!!! Besides driving back and forth from Erie twice a day everything is going well with the setup!!! See you all on Friday the 16th!!!!